Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship
讲座题目:Spray and Engine Experiments and Computations
报告人简历: chia-fon lee(李佳峰),美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校机械科学与工程系(Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering ,UIUC)终身正教授,在低温内燃机激光诊断及测量技术研究方面有较深的建树,包括激光诱导荧光及散射测量技术应用和前向燃烧消光技术(Forward Illumination Light Extinction,FILE)在烟雾生成机理研究中的应用等.
代表性的著作有:Liquid and Vapor Fuel Distributions in a Small-Bore High-speed Direct-Injection Diesel Engine, Journal of Fuels and Lubricants,111:4, 1059-1071,2002; Investigation of Fuel Effects on Soot Formation Using Forward Illumination Light Extinction (FILE) Technique, Journal of Engines, 114:3, 538-549,2005(上述材料来自下述网页:
时 间:2009年6月19日(星期五)上午9:00
地 点:动机学院学术报告厅(新九教三楼B9316)