
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship



分类:院内新闻 作者:mj 来源: 时间:2011-04-18 访问量:

主讲人:Eric Simoni 法国巴黎十一大核物理研究所教授、


时间:2011-4-20(星期三) 9:00~10:30





1) Solid and liquid nuclear fuel: Synthesis of solids (oxide and carbide), as new potential fuel and production of radionuclides. Corrosion mechanisms and irradiation effects, for storage or reprocessing. Chemistry of Th and U based liquid fuel and pyrochemical treatment of spent fuel for molten salt reactor innovative concept:

These activities are focused on the synthesis, characterization and reprocessing of nuclear fuel required for GEN IV systems, particularly (i) uranium (or thorium) carbides for both GFR (Gas cooled Fast Reactor) and radioactive ion beam production (SPIRAL2 project) applications, (ii) uranium oxides (with and without minor actinides) for SFR (Sodium Fast Reactor) applications and (iii) fluoride thorium-based liquid fuel for MSFR (Molten Salt Fast Reactor) innovative system.

2) Electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of actinides in ionic liquids at room temperature:

The main research programs deals with the behavior of f-elements in RTILs in presence of different kinds of ligands, in order to characterize the speciation of involved species and elucidate the actinide reduction mechanisms (electronic transfer, catalytic reactions, surface deposit, …).

3) Physico-chemical properties of actinides in homogeneous and heterogeneous media (kinetics, thermodynamics, structural studies, inorganic and organic ligands, interface):

The group investigates the interactions of actinides with inorganic, organic and biorelevant ligands that contain all or part of functional groups representative of naturally occurring organic materials, such as for instance carboxylic groups and amino acids, peptides.

