
Creation, innovation and Entrepreneurship


爱尔兰科克大学高级研究员,MaREI水动力数值建模组负责人 盛万安学术报告

分类:院内新闻 作者:张震 来源: 时间:2018-07-25 访问量:

题目:Wave Energy Conversion: Challenges and Opportunities

时间:2018.07.26 下午15:00


主讲人:盛万安  (爱尔兰科克大学高级研究员,MaREI水动力数值建模组负责人)

讲座内容:Wave energy is so far the largest untapped renewable even though a lot of efforts have been or are being made to extract wave energy from the oceans around the world. A lot of advances have been made, but there are more challenges we are faced in both technological and non-technological aspects. This talk will concentrate on the technological area, with a special focus on physical and numerical modelling technologies and on how we can use these modelling technologies to assess and optimise the device for more wave energy conversion.

In physical modelling, it will be shown how the modelling can be made meaningful and in what condition, the physical modelling is acceptable, as well as how we can model the power take-off systems.

In numerical modelling, this talk will start from the device hydrodynamic equation, including the terms involved in wave energy conversion. Aiming to improve wave energy conversion efficiency, every term in the dynamic equation must be solved and indicated for this purpose. This includes how we can solve the complicated dynamic equation; how we can optimise the device; how the coupling and the optimisation of the power take-off system can be made; and how we can use and implement more practical control technologies for maximising wave energy conversion. Towards to the end of the talk, the real challenges are revealed why the wave energy conversion is so difficult when compared to other energy generations, and how we can achieve the goal for making wave energy more comparative to other renewables or even to conventional wave energy production.

主讲人简介:近10年共发表论文70余篇,出版专著4部。曾从事船舶与海洋工程水动力学的研究、直升机和风机非定常空气动力学的研究,2009年至今主要研究海洋可再生能源装置的优化和创新,以提高波浪能转换效率和离岸可再生能源转换可靠性,进而降低海洋可再生能源的生产成本。自2013年起,发表海洋可再生能源相关的期刊论文23篇,会议论文19篇,发明专利3项。其中大部分论文发表在领域内顶级刊物,主要包括: (1)Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; (2) Renewable Energy; (3) Ocean Engineering; (4) Applied Ocean Research; (5) Journal of Fluids and Structures; (6) IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering; (7) IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy; (8) Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy; (9) International Journal of Marine Energy 等。这些富有成效的研究成果已经获得领域内顶尖专家的认可。比如英国土木工程院院士和爱丁堡皇家院士爱丁堡大学教授Borthwick认定盛博士是波浪能研究和发展的世界领军人物(world leader)。此外,近几年很荣幸地被邀请并加入著名期刊作为副主编(Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,影响因子: 9.184)和编委成员(Renewable Energy,影响因子: 4.900)。